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Resize Account Segment

This enhancement will allow resizing of account segments (increase character length only) even after accounts have been built and used in transactions.


Changing the Account Structure will add leading 0’s to the segment. This means that if we increase by 2 the segment lengths of Account Structure xxxx-yy, it will become 00xxxx-00yy.


Info Note: You are only allowed to increase the segment length, and not to decrease it.


To clearly illustrate this, take a look of this Account Structure.

Resize Account Segment1


This is how the segment accounts of the above structure look like.

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Let us increase the Primary Account and Department length by 2. You will notice that Mask field will automatically update to match the new Length value.

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This message will be displayed when you click Save button after changing the segment Length.

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Selecting No will return the segment length to its original value. Selecting Yes will resize the Accounts structure. Updating the accounts segment usually takes a few seconds depending on the number of current accounts.


This is how the segment accounts will look like after changing the segment lengths.

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When building new accounts, the system will use the new segment length.

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Entering a code that is less than the required length will give this error message.

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Reference: Task 1303